How To Stay Motivated With SEO: 6 Proven Strategies

If you’ve been struggling with finding motivation to work on your website’s SEO or your marketing in general, then THIS is the article for you 🙂 

today is all about how to stay motivated. To get USO done as a small business owner because you everyone has those days like literature. I’m having one of those days they today and it wasn’t for the tips and tricks that I use, I’m going to share with you today.
I don’t think I’ll be able to get this podcast done. That’s what I want to talk about, but I live in it, This is SEO. Picking his podcast playing SEOH success by the plant success Supername. I know, let’s brush over it. Okay, all right. So Today. I said, I really want to talk about staying motivated to do your own SEO because I know is so hard to do a marketing.
As any small business owner. But first, let me just kind of like if you’re still on the fence about whether you know, you should use SEO for your business. Let me give you a quick little few tips of white, so good, feel free to skip forward, a couple of minutes.
If you’ve had this a million times from me, but we know SEO works. That’s the thing, right? It’s targeted traffic. So when someone scrolling on social media and they come across your business, all business posts, They weren’t actively looking for your service or product. No, they were scrolling and they came across it and they liked it.
Sure. But they’re not going to convert or it might take them a long time to convert versus with SEO. People are actively searching for your service solution or product when they go on to Google. So when they find your website that’s the power of SEO. They are way more likely to convert and that is why SEA SEO is so powerful for small businesses looking to grow.
Another reason I really like SEO is because the effects of it compound. So again, let’s
Else all the plans success. Um, But let’s just take a look at kind of you know SEO versus social media. So social media post you spend you know up to like an hour creating that sometimes it all real or whatever. And then, You published it, who great? You get likes, you might get a few followers.
Get some engagement. Get a few dms. Whatever. It’s a brilliant but then it dies. Either within a few hours or a few days. Um that you know we’re going to see us social media post going around for years and years generating new business. But guess what? You do see that we’re blog posts, you can create a blog post, you can spend, you know, if a few hours creating one, spit that time up, we’ll talk about that today.
So create a bulk post in a week. Post it. And then if you’ve done your keyword research and you’re you’ve written helpful content, it will compound. It will just grow, and grow in terms of traffic each month. And if you add CTAs, your blog posts caused to action, then you will get people converting from that blog post.
So the power of one blog post is the power of one. Social media post is just like black and white day and night. Does it compare Finally, you’ll not doing SEO. You’re kind of getting left behind. I don’t want to scare you. But here is one of the biggest growing marketing.
One of the fastest, little yet. Biggest growing marketing channels for companies. The 2023 that were four main. It’s avenues where Mark is marketing, departments. We’re going to be spending time. And one of those is on their website because they know want to get everyone, that website, they are more late converts.
That’s why they want to get many eyes as possible on the website. So if you’re not doing SEO for your business, that I’ve unfortunately you are getting left behind Okay. Said that was my little feel as to why you should be using SEO. But Back to the point at the podcast.
How the hell do you find the time to do SEO? And more importantly, how do you stay motivated to do the ongoing SEO? Okay blogging, or AKA sort of digital, PR link building or going back in continually updating, your product pages and creating new keyword optimise service pages. How do you find the time and motivation to keep it going?
Because there’s an issue right with SEO. An ideal world. We would all just delegate out. And, But I mean, the problem is right? Good quality SEO. Cost a lot of money. And there is cheap freelancers that you see on five are promising. Like, you know, number one ranking on Google for $5.
Always, sometimes you get sort of reprofessional looking agencies and are selling you a package of SEO for 300 pounds a month or whatever like that. That’s just no way there’s a gonna work so good quality SEO you know generally cost upwards of a thousand dollars I mean in my consultancy business I charge say a couple thousand dollars US dollars to people as they’re sort of minimum SEO packages.
Um, so yeah, good SEO cost money, which is why I created this whole The plans success, because I believe that. If you don’t have the money, it shouldn’t stop. You doing SEO instead, you should take things in your own hands because that’s other thing, right? Good SEO. Either costs money.
All time. As well, this is owners. They’re also short on time so it’s trying to find systems and ways to fit in to your already. Very busy life. And but that’s also why you’ve come to the plans success. Hey this is why you’re listening to this podcast because you want to learn how to do your own SEO.
You want to actually take control, sort out for once, start growing sustainably on Google. And this is what this focus is all about helping small business owners with free resources and paid courses teaching. You training, you essentially how to do your own SEO, okay? But that’s a point of the podcast, how the hell?
You stay modeed motivated to your own SEO, as a small business owner, because I get it. Like I really do finding the motivation to keep marketing your business while you’re still working on all the other things that a business requires like, for instance, accounting or sourcing stuff, looking after contractors or freelancers.
And of course, actually doing what your business does. So, you know, providing your service or perhaps, I’m looking after your stock levels and, you know, fulfilling orders. Um, that takes up a lot of your time. So it does often feel like for many businesses. That marketing becomes an afterthoughts.
Whereas actually think about it. Marketing is what makes your business grow? So marketing is what makes your business grow? So that’s why I’ve anything, it should be the focus of your business marketing and you’re actual business product or service should be your main focuses. Without marketing, a business won’t grow.
So sorry to say that and I’m sure you’ve had the phrase if your business isn’t growing you’re falling behind and that’s really true. Actually because in 2021 I had an amazing year 2022. I cut them enjoyed myself to lots of holidays. And you know what? My revenue fell is a little bit.
So it’s true. You know, that’s why 233 I’ve made a real effort to get back home with my marketing. So for my consultancy business, I’m sort of on the LinkedIn all the time. I’m doing blood posts as well. I’m growing that side of the business and that’s what you need to do is well, if you want your business to either have the same revenue or continue growing Okay, so nothing about why SEO is so great enough about how tough it is being a school, This is soda and it’s actually going on with it, right?
So these are my top, six is a six Yes, there’s six season. My top six tips on how to stay motivated. As a small business owner to do your own SEO, Okay? Number one. This is kind of more a concept that you have to believe. And it’s, I am going to make this whole point because so many people don’t quite get this and it took me a while to get this as well.
Motivation, doesn’t lost favour. Doesn’t. Okay? Which is why you need self-discipline, and why you need habits, So it sounds odd to stay, but the first step in staying motivated is understanding that it doesn’t come from motivation. It comes from the habits and systems you’ve built. So many people are missing all the time being like, oh, I’m doing this with my business or I’ve created this new business or whatever and they’re like I’m going to do XYZ to market it and I just think no you’re not.
I don’t say that obviously put in my head. I know from experience because I’ve made those mistakes in the past that it’s so exciting when you start a new business or it’s so exciting. You just side to finally start doing my marketing that you want to do all at once.
Done. It’s just not true. And what happens is you do it for a few weeks like the gym, right? You go the gym for a few weeks and you’re so excited. You’re going every day for two hours or whatever but eventually you burn out soon or later you’re going to burn out because motivation doesn’t last forever.
So instead of trying to stay motivated, We’re going to try and build habits. Um, so That leads me onto number two, Which kind of ties into this be realistic with your habits or my friends on loud. Hang on. Said. So be realistic. I like the way I just haven’t edited that out.
Sorry, you get what it is. Um, yeah, we realistic you can’t expect To write say four blood posts a week or optimise, 10 product pages a week, It’s not realistic and sort of my probably golden rule here. There’s anyone I want to get serious about their marketing or growing their business or any golden life actually.
Read the book or listen to what an audible whatever atomic habits. It will change the way you look at sort of getting anything done. Because it truly makes you understand how we as humans work. And like the previous point, why you can’t depend on motivation? Instead progress comes from doing little things and building upon them.
So what I mean by that is Okay, let’s use example of the plans success. My my side hustle to my business. Okay. So This podcast for instance, when I started it back in September, I knew it wasn’t realistic for me. To do commit to weekly podcasting, Even though I’ve read that, that’s the best thing to do.
And if you want to grow your podcast, you should be doing a weekly But it’s not realistic for me because I wasn’t I didn’t have to habit a bit. So I thought, well it surely it’s far better to consistently commit to once or fortnite podcasts as opposed to doing, you know, five weekly podcasts and then not doing it for 10 weeks.
Do you see what I mean? I was really stupid with myself. I built that habit. And now after a month, I’ve got a solid habit of podcasting, fortnightly and thinking about upping that two weekly, and then do a trial run. This for instance, from now until I think end of May Four weeks.
I’m going to do weekly podcasts to see how it goes with me, but I’m not putting pressure myself. I’m gonna build that system and it’s the same with SEO. Instead of thinking, I’m going to try and get all my service pages, optimised in two weeks. No, no, that’s be realistic about it.
Let’s set aside. Let’s build a habit of doing the keyword research and not trying to get page, you know, once a week or once every fortnight, whatever fits your lifestyle or more importantly, whatever, you know, deep down, you can commit to That’s what’s going to move the needle in your SEO.
If you’re consistently outdating your website, you’re consistently working at it over a long period of time. You’re going to see far better results that if you did a blitz on your website one day and then never touch it again for two years. See that along with small business websites, they created their website say five years ago and they haven’t touched it since and then they come to me a wonder.
Hey, why don’t I have out any organic traffic? Okay. Number three. Take your time, learning SEO or in fact, any new marketing skills. So And you know ideal worlds. Of course, obviously we wouldn’t be having to do our own SEO like I said before, but unfortunately SEO, Galio is expensive.
I always think it’s far better to do your own SEO because you care about it and you’re going to do a far better job, you know your industry, you know, your keywords versus paying someone, a small amount of money for a half half. Shit job basically. I’m okay. So ideal.
Well, do would be delegating reference centre but unfortunately, You know like myself as well. I’d love to delegate social delegates, social media. I don’t love it. Doing it at all. Um, But I just know that the price I’d have to pay for good social media say thousand dollars a month.
Whatever like that I rather have that money. It’s true my business isn’t at a place yet where I can just leave a thousand dollars on the table. I don’t think the costs sort of the, you know, their return. I would get would be worth it. Surrealistically, you’re going to have to do your marketing yourself, which is why Again, taking that whole premise of being realistic, taking time to build habits.
It’s the same with marketing skills. Don’t try and do all the marketing at once. If you’re still focusing on social media, then sure. Just, you know, nail your social media, get into a consistent habit of personal social media. Make sure you’ve learnt, how to create posts that convert, that kind of thing And then tackle SEO.
However, I will say if you’re just starting out, I was, that’s far better to focus on SEO first because it kind of everything else feeds into that. Is trying to do social media first, and then doing SEO. If you foundations laid down first, or make your life, so much easier and six months or 12 months time because your website will have already grown So I’m all about transparency here and obviously this side hustle and okay.
So if my main business luckily I knew how to do SCO. And so optimise, my pages and I will already on sort of the first page for what I want to be ranking for, which is amazing. That for the plans success. SEO wasn’t the right choice for that because it’s very saturated nation you.
The time was going to take to get, there wasn’t worth it. I’m not a local business, so it’s hard to sort of stand out in any way. And that’s why I decided to focus on social media podcasting and email marketing. But I didn’t do them all at once. Not at all.
In fact, social media. I’ve been doing for a year and a half I first committed to three blog posts. Three social media posts a week and now it’s becomes such an ingrained habit that I do it without thinking. And then after say no afterly a year of doing Social media, I then start a podcasting.
And now I’ve done eight months of Podcasting it again. This is growing really well. I’m now in the stage where I’m creating an email list steadily, so now is time to learn email marketing, But I didn’t do all these things that wants and it’s the same with your SEO, really take the time to learn the skill, nail it and create systems in place to get your sort of content marketing down.
And if you don’t want to talk about what I’m talking about concept marketing, I highly recommend you go back and listen to episodes on content marketing, that episode is called, the best SEO plan for small businesses, highly recommend, check it out, or maybe check it out as well. Five ways to use church UPT to speed up your blogging NSO, they’ll give you more of an idea of how you can use book, a tech blogging to grow your business, okay?
Back to have a state motivated though, while doing SEO. And yeah, okay. Now this is something I think I could probably use this literal live podcast as an example. Number four, it’s better to have things done than perfect case. In point, I’m sure you can hear the sound quality on this podcast is not amazing.
I actually left part of my microphone. The adaptor back in the UK. I haven’t got anyone yet, but I decided not to let that stop me recording my podcast. I just thought, you know what? I know my contents useful and helpful, so I’m going to get out there anyway.
Another example of better done than perfect. I’m not the best writer in the world by a long shot, but back in 2018. So, nearly sit five, five years ago. Now, I wanted to create a blogging this I didn’t know, you know how to write the. I was like, whatever.
I’m going to just gonna figure it out again. I know I’ve got useful content about freelancing and working online. So I just started, I just got those blog posts out and it’s the same with your small business, even if you don’t think you’re the world’s best writer. Again blogging.
Now it will change your business’s trajectory provided, you do keyword research before And I kept for reasonable login business, I kept writing and writing learning more about Sierra. As I went improving, my blog posts, coming back to them, editing them, Republishing them. And you know what? The 2021. My blog was receiving 30,000, visitors a month and earning thousand dollars a month as well.
It is peak, which was amazing. Eventually, I kind of pivoted away from that. It wasn’t for me. I didn’t really believe what I was talking about. But I want to show you that I wasn’t a writer and yeah I managed to do that with my blog. So if I was getting 30,000, visitors a month, not being professional writer, You can also get thousands of visitors a month to your business that will then convert fear blogging.
You’ve just got to get started, don’t worry about being perfect, The beauty of SEO is you can keep working on your service pages or your blog post or your product pages. You can keep returning to them, keep optimising them and getting better and better. It now number five and number sixties are kind of more points, I guess.
Things as well that I really affected me in the past year. Gosh, this is a very transparent Um, Podcast. Number five, be kind to yourself. I don’t put crazy goals on yourself and then be sad when you don’t get them. Anything here. I was getting so sort of overwhelmed because comparing myself to sort of like, huge corporations or 50% agencies thinking, oh no, why until I like that?
Well, like, so who cares that I don’t want to be like them? I love my life. I chose my life style. And then I fit my business around my lifestyle. Um, says no point comparing myself to really big companies, because that’s not what I want. Ultimately, don’t get caught in the comparison, trap.
Be kind to yourself and be like, wow, look what I’ve created. Look at this more business. I’ve self-employed the fact yourself employed. Anyway is amazing because so many people fail. It being self-employed. Not everyone is cut out for the self-employed life. So always be kind to yourself and if you’re, you know, struggling with sort of building those self-discipline or creating those habits, when it comes to SEO, Be kind to yourself.
Remember, Rome was a built in a day if you’re struggling to get the hang of habits. Again, learning how to build habits is a skill in itself. Yeah. And then also says, one of them kinds that, you know, take time away when you need to sometimes I do sort of just not post on social media for a while or so they don’t block for a while, whatever.
And that’s okay, like no one else cares apart from what my business but like the world is going to stop.
Long as I remain committed. And that’s almost important, you know, look at the bigger picture which leads me onto number six, always make sure you look back and see how far you’ve come. And you know, if you think oh my god, never gonna get the hang of SEO. Look back to the fact that, hey, right now, your listening to an SEO podcast, and that’s pretty down amazing itself.
And because, you know, a few months ago, perhaps you even varying were ahead in the sand and thinking or what should let us hear, but I’m, you know, not ready. Yeah, but now you’re actually doing something about it. You are learning SEO, so cafe and yourself. Look, back and see how far you come celebrate, every small win.
If you get one, organic person organic visitor on your website. Celebrate that, okay? Because before you were getting zero now you’re getting one and you’ll get two, then you’ll get 10, then you’ll get 20. And then before you know it you’ll be having hundreds of thousands of visitors on your month.
Coming through on your website, coming straight from Google, trust the process SEO, at the end of the day is all about a process and those habits so systems that habits in place that create a process or process. I’m from that, the results will come. Okay, this is a very motivational podcast today.
I hopefully, it has helped If you are sort of struggling, even with sort of getting to grips the real basics of SEO, I highly recommend you. Go to my website and check out my free resources there to learn a year. You can download stuff as well. Make sure you check out some Instagram account where I post, you know, easy SEO tips.

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